June 2, 2009
I've written only clean blogs on this site so far, until now. I am pissed and I am going to rant, do not read anymore if you would prefer to not read a bunch of incoherent swearing, thank you!

Ok now here we go:
LeBron James is a BITCH!
Queen James is a whiny little bitch. Fuck him, fuck him in the mouth, hard. First of all after a game of basketball you are REQUIRED, by our social code to go over and shake hands with the other team, there are very few exceptions to this rule. Orlando is a better team than Cleveland, they didn't play dirty, there weren't any fights, Orlando took Queen James' crown off of his head, turned that son of a bitch sideways and shoved it straight up his candy ass and we all "Witnessed" it. When you are the league MVP and one of the main spokesmen for Nike you are required to set a good example for your entire league, your teammates, your fans, your haters, your endorsers, your city, your state, your mother fuckin' dog. You are not allowed to pout and cry and huff and puff off of the court without wishing the team that took your bitch ass out luck in the Finals. You are not allowed to say:
“It’s hard for me to congratulate somebody after you just lost to them, I’m a winner. It’s not being a poor sport or anything like that. If somebody beats you up, you’re not going to congratulate them. That doesn’t make sense to me. I’m a competitor. That’s what I do. It doesn’t make sense for me to go over and shake somebody’s hand.”
Fuck that shit. That is fucking sad. Let us break this down, line by fucked up line....
It’s hard for me to congratulate somebody after you just lost to them, I’m a winner. Guess what, you fucking lost, you are not a winner!!!!
It’s not being a poor sport or anything like that. Bullshit, that is EXACTLY what it is, you fucking douche!

Ok now here we go:
LeBron James is a BITCH!
Queen James is a whiny little bitch. Fuck him, fuck him in the mouth, hard. First of all after a game of basketball you are REQUIRED, by our social code to go over and shake hands with the other team, there are very few exceptions to this rule. Orlando is a better team than Cleveland, they didn't play dirty, there weren't any fights, Orlando took Queen James' crown off of his head, turned that son of a bitch sideways and shoved it straight up his candy ass and we all "Witnessed" it. When you are the league MVP and one of the main spokesmen for Nike you are required to set a good example for your entire league, your teammates, your fans, your haters, your endorsers, your city, your state, your mother fuckin' dog. You are not allowed to pout and cry and huff and puff off of the court without wishing the team that took your bitch ass out luck in the Finals. You are not allowed to say:
“It’s hard for me to congratulate somebody after you just lost to them, I’m a winner. It’s not being a poor sport or anything like that. If somebody beats you up, you’re not going to congratulate them. That doesn’t make sense to me. I’m a competitor. That’s what I do. It doesn’t make sense for me to go over and shake somebody’s hand.”
Fuck that shit. That is fucking sad. Let us break this down, line by fucked up line....
It’s hard for me to congratulate somebody after you just lost to them, I’m a winner. Guess what, you fucking lost, you are not a winner!!!!
It’s not being a poor sport or anything like that. Bullshit, that is EXACTLY what it is, you fucking douche!
1.the character, practice, or skill of a sportsman.
2.sportsmanlike conduct, as fairness, courtesy, being a cheerful loser, etc.
If somebody beats you up, you’re not going to congratulate them. That doesn’t make sense to me. I’m a competitor. That’s what I do. It doesn’t make sense for me to go over and shake somebody’s hand. Nobody beat you up, you lost a basketball series to a superior team. You are a competitor, that we can agree on. It doesn't make sense for you to go and shake someone else's hand?

You are a hand shakin' motherfucker, fact is you lost and YOU couldn't handle it. You are supposed to be the leader, you are supposed to be the man. Instead you leave your teammates to take the heat for the loss and jump on the plane with headphones on, you little bitch. There are other reasons I think LeBron is a bitch but I'll save those for later, LATE!!!
P.S.: You can't shake a man's hand but you can tickle a brother?

If somebody beats you up, you’re not going to congratulate them. That doesn’t make sense to me. I’m a competitor. That’s what I do. It doesn’t make sense for me to go over and shake somebody’s hand. Nobody beat you up, you lost a basketball series to a superior team. You are a competitor, that we can agree on. It doesn't make sense for you to go and shake someone else's hand?

You are a hand shakin' motherfucker, fact is you lost and YOU couldn't handle it. You are supposed to be the leader, you are supposed to be the man. Instead you leave your teammates to take the heat for the loss and jump on the plane with headphones on, you little bitch. There are other reasons I think LeBron is a bitch but I'll save those for later, LATE!!!
P.S.: You can't shake a man's hand but you can tickle a brother?

Posted by Serie, BITCH!!!!